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Our experiential center
in Barichara, Santander
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Our history

In 2009 we acquired a farm located 2 km. south of the urban area of Barichara, in order to start a family permaculture project, from where integral healing, deep and sustainable therapeutic processes could be offered.


Said vision has taken unexpected forms from individual, family and community life experiences, but its essence remains the same.


We currently consider ourselves an experimental center, from where our principles, work and purpose are interwoven to create a space for interactions and living wisdom, aimed at facilitating healing processes, training therapists and transformation.

individual and collective.


At this moment our heart center continues to be Finca Corasoma, from where a network extends in the Barichara territory that works jointly with other therapists and spaces of permacultural, collaborative and therapeutic work, aligned with our vision, such as

Your House Barichara and Yogasana


Currently, our territory in Barichara embraces the vision of being a center of individual and collective healing, through the repair of fragmentation at the individual, social and ecological levels.


Using the research carried out on collective trauma in Colombia and Latin America, we have been developing a working model for collective healing in this territory.  


For this, we have been articulating with the anthropologist Antonio Daza Kulchavita, whose wonderful work articulates the matrix of ancestral thought to the current world and offers essential points of remembrance from ancient and contemporary wisdom.


Soon we will build the Kansa Maria or House of Thought in Corasoma Barichara

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